Get Involved

THE most important action needed to attract and keep more young people for NH, create a greater diversity of housing for people of all ages and incomes, and to maintain, create and revitalize more welcoming communities across NH, is for more citizens to get involved to create change. There are opportunities to get involved in communities all across NH. For some, that action may be running for local office, or volunteering for an organization. For others, where work and family obligations make it difficult to make those commitments, they can still find people in their community who are taking a leadership role in creating change, and support them in their work in smaller ways; showing up for key local meetings, voting, writing letters to the editor, among other actions.

Below are links with information on how to get involved, and organizations to assist citizens in becoming more effective advocates, learning more about community engagement, and even how to run for office. Take that first step to “be the change you want to see”.